Placement of information in the official exhibition catalog (up to 15 lines in Russian and English)
1 copy of the printed catalog
A set of informational materials about the exhibition
4 entry badges
2 invitations to the official reception for the exhibition opening
Security during non-working hours (7:20 PM to 10:00 AM the next day)
Hotel booking assistance
Transfers: hotel — exhibition center — hotel
Included in the price:
Additional Options:
The cost of a corner booth increases by 10%
The cost of a peninsula booth increases by 15%
The cost of an island booth increases by 20%
(no equipment, carpet, or electricity connection)
Unfurnished Exhibition Area
Participation as a Visitor
Benefits for Exhibition Visitors:
Inclusion of Company Information in the official exhibition catalog
1 Copy of the Catalog and 1 Entry Badg
Invitation to the Official Exhibition Opening
Participation in Exhibition Events
At the end of the exhibition, the participant will receive 1 copy of the catalog
Additional Information
Customs Conditions for Exhibition Participants:
When importing products into Kazakhstan from countries within the Customs Union (CU), goods manufactured within the CU do not require customs clearance. Documents confirming the origin of the goods are required for import.
To sell products at the exhibition, non-resident participants must provide a preliminary list of items with prices in the currency (RUR, USD, EUR, KZT) one month before the exhibition begins.
For non-resident companies, additional requirements are in place for processing VAT and other tax documents, such as waybills and sales contracts. These documents are subject to verification by a tax inspector before and after the exhibition.
Full-color advertisement page (210×210 mm)
Placement on the cover (inside front page, third page, or back cover)
Advertising Options:
A company can place an advertising module or information about itself (up to 10–15 lines) in the official exhibition catalog.